A World Bank study claims that the future of companies lies in the adoption of new technologies.
Technology is here to stay. It is no longer a fad or a trend, it is a clear fact that joining the technological vanguard makes companies more profitable. On the one hand, they optimize their processes, and on the other, they allow the company to conquer new markets.
It is common for uncertainty to arise around this issue among employees of a company that chooses to adopt new IT (Information Technology) tools. The first question that visits their minds is: “Will I be left without a job?” The answer is no, in fact, the implementation of new technologies could lead to the creation of new jobs.
This is indicated by the study Jobs of Tomorrow: Technology, Productivity and Prosperity in Latin America by the World Bank, which as its name suggests, is responsible for investigating the impact that IT has on companies in Latin American countries.
The study conducted research in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile and Mexico. The experts discovered that technological advances can significantly help growth in Latin America.
It is worth mentioning that in 6 out of 10 jobs, 30% of the tasks could be automated. And sometimes, much of the manual work is usually repetitive. This is where systems, for example accounting, come in to optimize the processes used by people in the payroll area.
It is important to clarify that software does not replace the worker. In fact, it needs their experience and knowledge to be able to operate correctly and accurately. What it does achieve is mitigate risks, eliminate errors and save time and resources.
And the use of cloud-based accounting systems automates aspects of the accounting area, such as payroll calculation, receipt stamping, electronic invoicing, accounts receivable, accounts payable, supplier control, intercompany issues, etc.
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